KCLSU Trustees

KCLSU Trustee Board

The KCLSU Trustee Board is responsible for the governance of the organisation. They have overall responsibility for the legal, strategic and financial health of KCLSU. They meet between four and five times each year as an entire board, and between three and four times per year in their committees.

The trustee is made up of:

  • 6 Student Officers, who lead KCLSU and were elected to their positions by King’s College London students.
  • 4 elected Student Trustees, elected by King’s College London students.
  • 4 Lay Trustees, who are external people, recruited for their expertise in specific areas.

You can see who they are below.

All the trustees are accountable for the decisions they make on behalf of the organisation. Students are able to put questions to the trustee board at the Annual General Meeting. 

As well as our Student Officers and Student Trustees there are also Student Reps working to make sure that the views of students are heard and acted upon by the Students’ Union and the College. Take a read through our Representing You pages to find out more. 

Our Trustees






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