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Candidate for the position of Dance Society - Secretary

Image for Bianca Lim Shyin Yii

Bianca Lim Shyin Yii

I had the opportunity to dance under KCL Dance Soc & Fusion in my first year, and being able to continue my passion for dance in university was a great deal for me. My name is Bianca Lim, a second-year History student, a passionate, committed, and organized individual, running to be your next secretary of KCL Dance Soc. 

Being a secretary is more than just an 'information center' of the committee. Retaining information through administrative tasks and meeting minutes is highly important for the club's operation, but communication as a secretary is sometimes overlooked. My experience as the President of Student Council in both highschool and college equipped me with responsibility and organization skills which is a perfect fit as a secretary.  In addition to that, as a history student, I am trained to be an expert in note-taking, hence, the delivery of meeting minutes will be clear, concise, and insightful. Moreover, what sets me apart from other candidates would be my burning drive and adaptability skills. What I mean by drive is that: once given a role & responsibility, I will fulfill it to the best of my ability; there is no such thing as 50%, or 90%, it is 110% all the way. In terms of adaptability, I am able to switch things up when something does not see fit, and adapt to the situation quickly!

I believe I am a perfect candidate for this role given my vision and mission: 


To create an exciting, yet organized operation within the dance committee and dance society as a whole!


(1) AT YOUR SERVICE: As the dance society's secretary, I will respond to all emails and inquiries within 24 hours. To be honest with you, the app Gmail is my best friend. Sometimes I use Gmail more than IG. 

(2) Ensure the society's SMOOTH-FLOWING SYSTEM: Organisation and communication are key(s) to a successful team. To fulfill this goal, as secretary, I WILL ensure a set of organized meeting minutes, orderly records of the Dance Soc's activities and work, to be an advisory role and support system to the P and VP, along with other committee members, while handling other administration tasks given to me.  

(3) COMMITTEE-ORIENTED: I will focus on the member's needs and democratic values throughout meetings in the academic year, and even those who are not present during meetings will be up-to-date and fully caught up.  A good secretary should be aware of the wider context in which the committee and society operate, and I believe I have what it takes to be a helping hand to the dance society. 


Vote for Bianca Lim as Secretary and I will lead Dance Society along with other members of the committee to yet another successful year!