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Candidate for the position of KCL PRASS (Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery Society) - Event Officer

Image for Edelyne TANDANU


Vote Edelyne for Events Officer! :)

Hi everyone, my name is Edelyne and I am running for the role of Events Officer next year. Through attendance of several national surgical conferences, I have recently discovered my passion for plastic surgery! Plastics is such a diverse surgical specialty which perfectly blends your academic and creative side, and I would love to provide more exposure to this remarkable field via KCL PRASS events.

I am confident that I am well-equipped with the experience and personal qualities required for this role. As president of Outreach society in sixth form, I have demonstrated my organisational, communication and teamwork skills as I successfully executed and promoted school-wide fundraising events. My role as Social Secretary in KCL AMSA’s society has also given me great insight into the logistics involved in planning for society events, which will aid me for the timely preparation of future events.

Should I be elected for Events Officer, I aim to:

  1. Maintain and improve on the KCL PRASS mentorship scheme. As the current Surgical Society’s mentorship officer, I believe that I have transferrable skills and the relevant experiences required to oversee and effectively build on this scheme.
  2. Diversify the events we offer. I would like to incorporate more practical skills teaching (e.g. suturing workshops, tendon repair), invite guest speakers for panel/case-based discussions, and potentially liaise with other societies (e.g. KCL Surgical Society, UCLPRAS, PLASTA UK) for conferences.
  3. Champion our members’ satisfaction for planned events. I hope to achieve this by regularly incorporating feedback survey results into future events planning.

I believe that I have the skills required to maintain and elevate our society’s high standard of events, and so I hope to have your vote as KCL PRASS Events Officer! I look forward to organising these events for you next year, and please feel free to ask me any questions :)