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Candidate for the position of British Sign Language - Treasurer

Assel Toleubay

Inclusive finances for an inclusive society

Dear members of the British Sign Language Society, 

My name is Assel Toleubay, and I am thrilled to be running for the position of Treasurer. As someone who has always been passionate about finance and accounting, and my interest to learning of the British Sign Language, I believe that I am the perfect candidate to manage the financial affairs of our society.

In terms of my qualifications, I have completed an accounting internship. I am confident that I have the skills and knowledge necessary to manage the society's finances responsibly and effectively.

As Treasurer, I am committed to ensuring that our society's finances are managed responsibly and transparently. I will work closely with the other officers to create a detailed budget and financial plan, and I will provide regular updates to the membership on the society's financial health.

In addition to my technical skills, I believe that my ability to communicate clearly and respectfully with all members of our society make me an ideal candidate for Treasurer. I am committed to promoting inclusivity and accessibility within our society, and I believe that financial transparency is a crucial part of this mission.

Thank you for your consideration, and I hope to earn your vote in the upcoming election.