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Candidate for the position of KCL Rugby (Women's) - Welfare Sec

Juliette WOJCIK

For Fit and Healthy Rugby :)

Hey guys !

I am running for welfare secretary of the team next year because if I noticed something over the last two years is how important having a healthy and fit team is important for our rugby.

I envision the welfare secretary job concerning the health, physical and mental well-being of the team but also its preparedness to play – its fitness (I know it’s a curse word).

  1. Physical Health

First off, despite the plethora of med students on this team, it’s always reassuring to know that you’ve got a qualified lifeguard on the team - trained both to rescue you and take care of you.

Let’s say that I am more than used to dealing with rugby related injuries – from broken fingers to bruises the size of a continent and broken nose. I will be of good and competent advice before dragging you to Urgent Care.

Physical health is crucial if we want to be efficient rugby players thorough the term but also after uni. So, I will also make sure to give some injury follow up on you, no more getting back on the pitch without being in an okay-ish state. No one wants to be forced to quit rugby too early because of an ill-treated injury. Also just because being physically okay is nice, no unnecessary knee or ankle pain, no or little soreness (I will make you stretch after matches or trainings, no possible escape).

  1. Mental Health

Yes, I know, I’m certainly not the most talkative person on this team, nor the most outgoing, always a bit aside. But you know what that makes me a fantastic person to talk to: I’ve learned to listen, be empathetic, know when to just give a shoulder to lean on or when people are seeking advice or reassurance, not really in whatever drama going on so neutral and impartial.

Likewise, some random person that is not really your close friend, you’re not that likely to go up to them and unpack why it’s not going well, but you know from time to time its good to just talk to a stranger – they’ve got a brand-new eye on a situation (if going to see a therapist freaks you out).

  1. Fitness

Curse word, and I am the first one to hate it buut thorough the year we’ve just kept on noticing how unfit we were compared to other teams.

So, in collaboration with the Captain, I think it’d be great to oversee the team’s fitness. From giving you gym workout plans specifically for rugby, booking KCL performance classes or organising jogs on the weekend, I will try to get us in shape.

Hopefully, it will work and if not noticing any changes comparatively, then we’ll give up.


That’s about it, lots of love x