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Candidate for the position of President (full-time, paid)



#TAJ4President A Transparent, Active & Just Leader. Vote for a transparent, active, and just leader with the skills and experience to actually lead by boldly championing your needs and tactfully driving change. A leader who wholeheartedly commits to using my intimate knowledge of KCLSU/KCL and my expertise in advocacy, student leadership, and representation to transform KCLSU into an organization that passionately works for all students and publicly stands up for social justice.

#TAJ4President Manifesto


In a time when the voices of students are often overshadowed by administrative priorities, my campaign for the presidency of the King's College London Students' Union stands for a transformative shift towards Transparent, Active, and Just leadership. My commitment is to lead a KCLSU that not only represents but champions the needs, aspirations, and welfare of every student at King's College London. Electing me as your president means voting for a leader who is not just a part of KCLSU/KCL but one who has grown with it, understands its intricacies, and is ready to challenge the status quo. My experience in advocacy, student leadership, and representation equips me to not only envision a more inclusive, responsive, and justice oriented KCLSU but to make it a reality.


Transparent Leadership:

I pledge to dismantle the barriers between students and decision-making processes at KCL and KCLSU. Recognizing that students are not mere deliverables, but the heart of our institutions, I will:

  1. Initiate Regular Interaction Forums: Establish a structured process for student leaders from societies, sports clubs, academic representatives, and student-staff to engage directly with the Senior Leadership Team (SLT) of KCL and KCLSU. These forums will serve as a platform for sharing feedback, making suggestions, and receiving updates on ongoing projects.
  2. Promote Open Governance: Work tirelessly to ensure that all high-level decisions are made with student consultation, ensuring our educational and social development needs are prioritized.
  3. Regular Updates: Publish monthly updates via email and social media on the completed, ongoing, and upcoming work of the officer team, and KCLSU more broadly, and share how students can get involved. 


Active Leadership:

Understanding the importance of visibility and accessibility in leadership, I aim to be the most active president in the history of KCLSU:

  1. Weekly Office Hours: Implement dedicated weekly office hours open to all students, facilitating a direct line of communication for discussing issues, concerns, and ideas.
  2. Engagement in Campus Life: Pledge to participate in a wide range of activities including liberation history months, sporting events, and society gatherings, aiming to attend at least one event for each society during my term.
  3. Increase Cultural Responsiveness: Commit to publishing monthly reflections on current social, economic, academic, and human rights issues, ensuring our union is responsive and relevant to the larger socioeconomic climate.


Just Leadership:

With a firm belief in the political nature of student unions, I promise to steer KCLSU towards greater inclusivity, cultural responsiveness, and political activism:

  1. Advocate for Social Justice:  KCLSU under my leadership will take clear stances on social justice issues and challenge university and governmental structures that hinder our progress.
  2. Support for Underrepresented Groups: Work closely with liberation network chairs and other elected leaders to amplify the needs of underrepresented groups, ensuring they receive the support and recognition they deserve.
  3. Championing Broader Causes: Beyond these core areas, my leadership will extend to advocating for:
    1. Increased Financial Support:  For both home and international students, recognizing the diverse financial challenges faced by our student body. Also increase the funding available for student groups and sports clubs so they can better support their members during this cost-of-living crisis.
    2. Increased Mental Health & Disability Support/Funding: Actively continue to champion the expansion of targeted mental health support for marginalised groups and champion the improvement of disability services at KCLSU and KCL.
    3. Backing Active Campaigns: Actively support campaigns such as Adjust KCL!, Thrive not Survive, Turn the Tables, Fairness 4 GTAs, and Fossil Free Careers, aligning with our collective push for a fairer and more sustainable future. I will also encourage and support the development and success of any new student campaigns that align with my aims. 
    4. Expansion of Student Spaces: Advocate for more student spaces on campus for studying and socializing, including dedicated safe spaces for liberation groups, enriching our community and fostering inclusivity.


#TAJ4President Experience


Out of all the current candidates, I am undeniably the most qualified student for the job of KCLSU President based on my experience in advocacy and leadership roles both within KCLSU and KCL, as well as in the wider global community. My relevant successes and experiences are highlighted below:

Key Successes:

  • Successfully advocated for all Liberation Network Chairs to be paid for their work, significantly increasing the number of posts filled and fostering a more diverse and inclusive student union.
  • Routinely supported the work of the Officer team for the past 3 years, ensuring the needs of black, disabled, and LGBTQ+ students are not forgotten. 
  • Successfully lead all KCLSU initiatives for Black History Month 2022 & 2023, Trans Awareness Week 2022, & LGBTQ+ History Month 2022, including organizing events, creating social media campaigns, and approving funding applications. 
  • Represented the needs of all students in the School of Global Affairs for two academic years as the EDI Rep. and successfully advocated for more support for BIPOC students within my academic department. 
  • Created a successful wellbeing initiative to address the lack of support for LGBTQ+ students that is now fully funded by KCLSU Wellbeing and has supported over 150 students.

KCLSU Experience: 

  • Founder & Lead Facilitator, TeaTime with Taj | 2022-24
  • Chair, Black Student Network | 2023-23
  • President, KCL LGBTQ+ Society | 2022-23
  • Chair, LGBTQ+ Student Network | 2022-23
  • Founder & President, KCL QTIPOC Society | 2021-22

KCL Experience:

  • King’s 100 Member | 2023-24
  • Member, GHSM Anti-Racism & Decolonization Steering Group | 2022-24
  • Equality, Diversity, & Inclusion Student Representative, School of Global Affairs | 2021-23

External Experience:

  • Student Advisory Committee Member & Student Space Black Content Steering Group Member | Student Minds, UK | Nov. 2023 – Present 
    • Support the vital work of student minds and advocate for the mental needs of black and LGBTQ+ students within Student Minds and the wider community.
  • Treasurer & Executive Board Member, International LGBTQI Youth & Student Organization, Belgium | Oct. 2023-Present
    • Advocate for the rights of LGBTQ+ youth and students within Europe at the policy level through participating in policy consultations, producing policy recommendations, and lobbying governments/MEPs. 
  • Liberation Campaigns Committee LGBT+ Representative | National Union of Students, United Kingdom | Jul. 2023-Present
    • Ensure the needs of LGBTQ+ students are represented in NUS policy, capacity-building, and lobbying work, by consulting with LGBTQ+ students/student groups nationally and data/research to advise staff and elected student leaders. 

Notable Awards: 

  • Champion of Change | King’s College London | July 2023
  • Queer of the Year & Role Model of the Year: LGBTQ+ Youth | Queer Student Awards | June 2023
  • Outstanding Contribution to the KCL Community | School of Global Affairs, Kings College London | April 2023
  • Civic Leadership Academy Scholar | King’s College London | 2022-2023
  • Sustainability Award | Sustainability Team, Kings College London | July 2022
  • Global Service Stream, King’s Experience Award | Kings College London | May 2022


For more information about me, my manifesto, or my vision for KCLSU please do not hesitate to contact me via email at or on Instagram @taj4supresident

Vote TAJ4President – For a KCLSU that truly stands for every student.


Together, let's advance towards a future where transparent, active, and just leadership are not just ideals, but the pillars of our student union.