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Candidate for the position of Surgical Society - Mentorship officers

Image for Leona TAKEUCHI


Vote for me for a brighter suture!!

Hi, I’m Leona and hopefully I’ll also be one of your next mentorship officers :)


This year, I’ve thoroughly enjoyed broadening my knowledge on surgery - some of the highlights of my academic year were attending the suturing series and engaging with the mentorship scheme where I observed multiple robotic surgeries! Next year, I hope to be a part of the committee that has assembled such an impressive and rare opportunity, whilst inspiring others who share my passions.


I know how intimidating it is to be surrounded by so many intelligent people who share the same desire to enter such competitive specialties. Therefore, I have a strong motivation to increase the extracurricular opportunities that students obtain during medical school, reflected in the cardiology newsletter I developed last year, which translates directly to this role. Surgical opportunities are rare but can alter a student’s confidence in pursuing a certain career. Therefore, I’m excited to use the mentorship scheme to maintain the promotion of realistic insights and encouraging role models in members’ careers which are lacking in the usual medical curriculum!


As secretary of Cardiology committee, and a previous sponsorship officer of Cardiothoracic Surgery Society, I have experience with writing convincing emails and providing rapid responses in the deep depths of the night. I have also received ‘rejection’ emails (?_?) so I understand the resilience required when scouting potential mentors who are extremely busy, and the flexibility required for this.


A sense of community is always important in a society, so I also hope to be someone that members feel they can come to for a general chat, or questions/tips for securing multiple mentorship schemes.


Therefore, if you’re looking for another smoothly run mentorship scheme, and someone who will reply to your queries scarily fast, vote for me!