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Candidate for the position of ScienceMind - Event Officer

Image for Mia LEE


All the Input for All of Us! Vote #Mia!

Hello everyone! I’m Mia, and I’m asking for your vote to make me your Events Officer
for KCLSU ScienceMind! Whether it’s through boosting academic/career events or
organizing socials for us to get to know each other, I’m confident that if given the
chance, I would be able to reflect your voice, provide for our needs and bring us
closer as a society!
Having completed placements/internships in industry, hospital and community
environments, I’ve met an amazing variety of people! I hope to invite them (and
many others) to provide seminars on their experiences. As an MPharm student,
I understand the stress that our careers can cause, and I hope to shed light on these
subjects together!
Soft skills such as cover letter writing are difficult and, with other academic subjects,
I plan to host workshops for us to work on them! I also intend to plan a
“research fair” where we can research subjects and present them to each
other, giving us an amazing thing to write on our CVs!
Besides increasing the amount of socials for us, I hope to add more types of
events that we can enjoy together! From sporting events (netball/football
tournaments) to the annual STEM ball, I aim for us to meet more often! I also plan to
take surveys on what events you all would enjoy and implement them!
This society is for all of us, and I plan to make sure all of you knows this! Between
hosting “town hall” meetings, conducting random surveys, and improving
online methods of communication, I want to add a more democratic process to
our society. Using all of these, I hope to understand where you are satisfied with the
committee and where we can improve. Over time, I want to build a relationship of
trust and confidence where ScienceMind can reflect your needs!