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Students For Justice For Palestine


  • Students For Justice For Palestine Standard Membership£3.00
  • Students For Justice For Palestine Associate Membership (Non-students)£3.00

KCL Students For Justice For Palestine (KCL SJP) is a student led campaign group standing in solidarity with the Palestinian call for justice, freedom an equality. Our purpose is to campaign to end our own institution's complicity in the illegal occupation of Palestine, serve as a platform for students to learn about social justice, and to educate the wider community about the situation in Palestine. We are part of a broader network of student societies and a national Palestine movement committed to end the occupation. 

Over the years, we have run and won succesful campaigns against Ahava, G4S, and succesfully achieved a scholarship system for Palestinian students in 2008. We have also held seminars an events with prominent speakers and raised funds for emergency appeals such as the 2014 bombing of Gaza. We also love to celebrate the rich history and culture of Palestine. This society is for everyone, regardless of faith, gender, background, colour or even political affiliation. We should all be united for freedom, justice, equality and an end to apartheid.

Do follow us on Facebook (KCL Students For Justice For Palestine), Twitter (@kcl_sjp) and Instagram (@kcl.sjp) for our latest updates regarding campaigns and how to get involved with us. Feel free to also email us at 



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