King’s College London Swimming and Water Polo team is one of KCL’s liveliest and fast improving sports teams. Having just one society for both Swimming and Water Polo doubles both your pool time and social life. We have expanded over the years from a small squad who spent more time in the pub than the pool, into a dedicated and successful team competing in local and national competitive galas - but haven’t lost our love of the pub!
We aim to provide for a wide range of abilities through our recreational, development and competitive squads. Our main swimming competitions are the BUCS championships; the short course gala held in November and the long course in February, we also participate in BUSL which is a league in which we compete with uni swim teams all over the country and last year we made A finals whilst also swimming in London League competitions throughout the year.
We have three water polo teams (men's, women's, and mixed). The men's and women's compete in the BUCS Southern Premiership, and also in the BUCS national trophy. Our mixed team compete in LUSL, which we came second in last year, and we also have alumni matches, friendlies and varsity which means that our society has a place for everyone.
Most of our correspondence is done on instagram (@kclswp) so give us a follow so you don't miss out and check out our tiktok @kclswp!
love from
Swimming and Water Polo xoxo
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