Celebrating and honouring our LGBT+ community at King's and beyond from 1-28 February.


In collaboration with KCLSU LGBT+ Network and other incredible student groups, we bring you different events, activities and initiatives to increase the visibility of lesbian, gay, bisexual and trans activists, their history and the struggles being still fought by this community. A month to celebrate and honour our LGBT+ community at King's and beyond. This year's theme, ‘Liberating Our Present', aims to focus on collectively moving our community forward here and now by championing intersectionality and social justice for all LGBT+ identifying individuals, to reflect on both our individual and collective histories, to challenge social norms, like homonormativity. This also means focusing our energies on supporting and empowering the most vulnerable and underrepresented in our community. 

Scroll down to find out how to get involved.

The month features a range of events to get involved in!

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