Welcome Week is undoubtedly intense. Inductions, timetables, registering with the doctors, sorting out your halls room, trying to remember the difference between your Student ID number and your K number… it’s information overload! But here’s the good news: you can finish it on a high, getting to know KCLSU and its clubs and societies in a way that is most definitely fun, fun, fun! All you need to do is come along to the KCLSU Welcome Fair at the Barbican Exhibition Hall 2 on Friday 20th or Saturday 21st September.
Still on the fence about coming? Here’s our list of why you should come to this year’s Welcome Fair:
1. Meet KCLSU societies and sport clubs
The Welcome Fair is the single best place for you to explore the 300+ societies and clubs at KCLSU. We have all the societies and groups you could think of, and it’s safe to say you’ve never heard of quite a few of them. Go by their stalls and chat to current members, bag some freebies and sweets, and if you are feeling sold, sign up there and then. Use our handy KCLSU Welcome Fair App to make your way around and find the societies you are most interested in. Easy-peasy.

2. Freebies, freebies, freebies and… freebies
This is your chance to stock up on uni essentials for free! You’ll be getting pens, notebooks, drinks bottle, pens, bottle opener keyrings, tote bags, and… have I mentioned pens? This list is most definitely not complete, there will be loads more you can get. Don’t be shy, make the most of the freebies available - they will come in handy, especially in your first couple of weeks.
3. Discover food and drink at KCLSU
Welcome Fair is also time to find out more about the cafes and bars you’ll be spending a LOT of your time in. Visit their stalls and bag some awesome freebies along with some food and drinks vouchers, and try your hand at beer/no-beer pong for a chance to win amazing prices, including Amazon vouchers and bar tabs!
4. Watch KCLSU societies’ performances on the main stage
Many of our societies give a little taste of their activities on the main stage, from Dance Soc, Pole to Rap Soc to name just a few. Chill by the main stage and catch some performances by your fellow students, and who knows, you might get inspired to join a society you haven’t thought about before!

5. Get your TOTUM discount card
Haven’t heard of TOTUM before? It is the official NUS discount card which provides you with dozens of amazing discounts – from buying clothes and tech gadgets to eating out, these discounts will make student life so much easier! Sign up for your TOTUM card at the Fair and start bagging those deals. And don’t worry if you leave your card at home as you can always access your discounts on the TOTUM app.
Feeling excited to attend now? We sure are! Hope to see you all at the Barbican Exhibition Hall 2 on the 20th and 21st September!