News Article

Adapting to new circumstances (a.k.a. university!)

Starting university is the first time many of you will be living away from home. Moving out of your childhood home and into student accommodation somewhere new can be challenging at times. Here are a few tips to help you to adapt to new circumstances and make your transition into university life a little easier. 


Tip 1 = Keep in touch!

In the beginning, you may feel lonely and that is completely understandable. You’re in a new bedroom, in a different city, living with people you have never met – things will be unknown and unfamiliar! However, as the weeks go by, and you get to know your flatmates and explore the area around you, you will feel a lot more comfortable. Something you can do to feel less homesick is to arrange to call with your family and friends from back home. Keeping in touch will help you to feel less alone, as well as get some support and encouragement too! 


Tip 2 = Immerse yourself in university life!

Keeping yourself busy will not only help you take your mind away from the anxieties of being away from home but will also enrich your experience at university. Start conversations with people you meet, attend freshers’ events, and enjoy making new friends. A wonderful way to meet new people is by joining societies or sports that you are interested in! 


Tip 3 = Get organised!

One of the best ways to settle into your new living space is by making it yours. Decorate your room with photos of the people and things you love. Make a rough plan of the meals you want to eat and buy the ingredients you need. Spend time exercising and practicing self-care. Taking care of yourself and becoming organized will make you feel better on the inside and that will reflect on the outside! 


Tip 4 = Share your feelings!

Sometimes, expressing to people how you feel really helps. Remember that there are many Freshers out there who feel the same way as you do. Spend less time on social media, and don’t compare your university experience to others. If you feel you are really struggling, there are many places you can get support, e.g. KCLSU Help & Advice, Student Minds, peer support from the Positive Peers.


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