We asked previous winners about their experience receiving an award, why we should celebrate awards this year and their advice to people who aren’t sure about nominating.

Hinna Mirza – Full Laurel Award Winner
What did it mean to you winning in 2019?
Winning the Full Laurel in 2019 felt amazing as it was the natural next step after winning the Half Laurel in 2018. It was also another amazing chance to raise awareness regarding the work that is being done by volunteers to support the empowerment of asylum seekers, refugees and other victims of conflict. I also felt that by supporting these projects, we can use our education at KCL to benefit others and lift them up when they need it most.
Why should we keep celebrating Awards this year?
Awards are a great way to raise awareness of the great work being done across the hugely diverse and talented KCL community. Sometimes it only takes one person to inspire hundreds of other aspiring students to take part in a club or to have a positive impact on someones life - all of which enhance the KCL experience.
What can you say to someone unsure about nominating a club, a society or an individual?
Most often it is the people that are not at the forefront who deserve a bit of recognition for the work they have and are doing. Your nomination can take that person to the next level or to a better opportunity. It may even give them the motivation they need to carry on their amazing work if they are having doubts. Nominations can also showcase innovative and unique projects which can further boost support for them which can eventually in turn make their work even more effective.
Ciara Meehan - Gold Crown Award Winner
What did it mean to you winning in 2019?
I was honoured to have been nominated for Full Colours after being a part of the KCL Classics Committee for three years and part of the society for four. The society introduced me to my closest friends and was such a big part of my degree.
Why should we keep celebrating Awards this year?
Despite everything going on in the world now, all of the hard work that students have put into their societies prior to this should be recognised and celebrated- be it unconventionally.
What can you say to someone unsure about nominating a club, a society or an individual?
There’s no harm in nominating! I was amazed to have been nominated for best president out of all the societies in King’s, to have been recognised meant more than winning to me. These awards celebrate the hard work of those who bring out the best in KCLSU, and they’ll probably appreciate it even more now to know people are thinking of them and good times.

Alisa Wai – Student Staff Member of the Year 2019
What did it mean to you winning in 2019?
Winning Student Staff Member last year was very special. I felt very humbled by the fact that my other colleagues wanted to nominate me for such an award but to actually win was very surreal. All the Wednesday nights, hard work and time that I had put into Guy’s bar had finally been recognised and made all the hours spent in a basement seem worth it. To have others in KCLSU believe that I was deserving of Student Staff Member was a lovely reminder of why I love working for the student union and with my fabulous team at Guy’s Bar. For me, there was a mutual feeling of appreciation. I felt appreciated by the SU and I appreciated working for them. This award pushed me to continue working the way I do and I am thankful to be able to work with such a great team and in such a fun place.
Why should we keep celebrating Awards this year?
We should definitely be celebrating the Awards this year. This academic year has already been filled with much disruption and uncertainty. Lectures and exams are still happening online, so why can’t the Awards? I’m sure receiving an email to say that you have received a nomination, or even finding out that you may have won an award, would give you that little (or massive) boost during this crazy time. COVID-19 has been a time of the unknown but I have found it to also be a time of appreciation and a time of celebrating the things that we are thankful for – in my opinion a perfect time for the the appreciation and celebration of those individuals, teams and societies within the KCLSU community. We should continue to recognise and reward those that have dedicated their time and contributed to student life at King’s during the academic year pre-pandemic and currently.
What can you say to someone unsure about nominating a club, a society or an individual?
Your nominations are so important to the KCLSU community! Without your nominations, how else can we celebrate the successes of our students? Though there may not be a physical award ceremony this year you should still consider nominating your peers and letting them know that you think they are deserving of being a part of the Awards. If you are still unsure about nominating someone, then please don’t be. No one loses here and it is definitely worth getting involved. KCLSU Awards 2020 will be a chance to bring our community together even whilst we are practicing social distancing.

Sherene Howard-Walker - Honorary Lifetime Membership Award Winner
What did it mean to you winning in 2019?
It meant so much to win the Honorary Lifetime Membership award. It was an absolute honour to win it alongside other individuals who have done some fantastic things at KCL and in doing so, have had a huge impact on the King's community. I was honestly quite shocked that I did win this award, as I had won it for a KCLSU group, the Positive Peers, that I had only been apart of for just over 2 years at the time. However, over that period of time myself and my team had provided some really good mental health and wellbeing support to students and staff within the King's community. I am proud of what we achieved as a team and continue to be grateful to volunteer with a great group of students.
Why should we keep celebrating Awards this year?
I think it is important to acknowledge all the great work that students and staff do at King's. Students go to university to study a subject that they enjoy, but alongside that, they come to do things that they like doing outside of academia such as volunteering, giving back to the community and supporting other students through clubs and societies. Staff also work very hard in their roles, ensuring that KCLSU and the college community provides really good student experiences for those studying at King's. Although students and staff don't do these extra curricular activities or go above and beyond their role to win awards and to be noticed, they do it because they care, in acknowledging and celebrating all their work, achievements and the impacts that they have made on others, it is a really a great thing to do.
What can you say to someone unsure about nominating a club, a society or an individual?
I would definitely say to nominate that club, society or individual. Especially if you feel that they have gone above and beyond their role and in doing so, has made an impact on others at King's. I feel it is important to the King's Community to recognise how dedicated and passionate that people are and thus celebrate the outstanding work that they do for others.

Sofia Santos - President's Wreath Award Winner
Why should we keep celebrating Awards this year?
Being at university can lock you up in an academia bubble, and Awards do a really great job of getting you out of it and rewarding you for your positive work, attitude and contribution to the King's and general community outside of your degree. Feeling like you've achieved more than a degree while at university is incredibly rewarding and makes Awards seem like a graduation-style celebration!