News Article

How We're Improving Elections

KCLSU is committed to ensuring that every election held by the union is as fair and democratic as possible. To make sure this happens, we are continually reviewing our policies and procedures. Here’s a quick rundown of some of the steps we are taking to improve elections:


Polling Stations and Online Voting

To ensure every student who wants to vote has a chance to, students will be able to vote either in-person at polling stations across campus or online. Physical polling stations help make sure that voting is fair and private, and minimise the risk of people being pressured to vote for a candidate. KCLSU staff will be on hand at every polling station so that students can ask any questions they have or raise any concerns.

We also recognise that many students may not be able to make it to a physical polling station. Students may be out on placement, or have classes all day – whatever the reason, any student who wishes to will be able to vote online.


Candidate Campaign Zones

To allow students easy access to speak to candidates, KCLSU will be running candidate campaign zones this year. There will be a set space at each campus where candidates can campaign. Here candidates will be able to talk about why they are standing and what their aims are if they get elected. Students will also be able to ask candidates questions. KCLSU staff will be at each of these areas to ensure that all campaigning is fair and respectful. By limiting physical campaigning to these set areas, it will both make it easier for students to meet candidates and reduce any risk of people pressuring voters.


Candidate Chill-Out Zones

KCLSU also recognise that campaigning can be a stressful for the candidates who put themselves forward. Close by to every campaigning zone, we will also have areas where the candidates can go to relax and take some time out from the pressures of campaigning. These areas will have wellbeing resources and refreshments for the candidates.


We will continue to strive and make elections as accessible, fair and engaging as possible. To find out more or get involved, visit our elections page or check out KCLSU on FacebookTwitter and Instagram.


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