No matter the changes in your life, your own wellbeing should always stay a priority. As many of you are moving out for the first time, your habits and routines will change, and so will your friends and acquaintances. In these periods of uncertainty and stress, it is important to stay conscious of our mental health! In this article, you will find tips on how to feel happier and healthier, as well as a run-down of what KCLSU does and offers for your wellbeing.
Some tips to stay mentally healthy
Taking care of your body is maybe one of the most crucial things you can do. This starts with your diet! Eating nutritious food makes you feel good, energetic, and happy. Investing in proper food and taking the time to cook has huge benefits for your physical and mental health. Cooking is also a great distraction from essays!
In the same vein, staying fit is also great. I promise, endorphins work, and working out paradoxically gives you more energy! Fitness is different for everyone, so whether it’s heading to the gym, running a 5k or simply taking the stairs more often, get moving!
Finally, buy yourself an alarm clock. Focus on getting up at the same time every day, and sleep without your phone in the room! Also, try not to be on your phone in the hour before you go to sleep. I know these are not the most fun things to do, but having a consistent eight hours of sleep per day will do wonders for your mental health.

What is KCLSU doing?
This is where KCLSU Wellbeing comes in. We have a dedicated team to make sure you thrive during your time at university, and beyond!
KCLSU Wellbeing has put together all kinds of ways to keep your mental health in check - be it online resources, events, and even positive peers.
Check out this article to see what KCLSU can do for your wellbeing! If you want a quick summary, keep reading:
Positive Peers
Positive peers host one-to-one chats and has a support group called Positive Minds to help students experiencing low mood or mild depression. Make sure to head to their page to see what they can offer you!
Wellbeing Hub
Head to the Wellbeing Hub to see the opportunities and resources that KCLSU Wellbeing offers for staying happy and healthy while at university. There are also regular events, such as Black Students Talk and discussions on how to deal with stress. Finally, student favourites include initiatives like Take Time Out and Doggy De-Stress!
Student Groups
You should also discover some of the societies at King’s, as some were made by fellow students who aim to help your mental health! Open Minds, for instance, works to help end the stigma surrounding mental health by training university students to bring mental health education to school pupils. Other student groups like the Wholesome Society or the Meditation Society are also great.
Finally, have a look at the Wellbeing Checklist to stay aware of what should know and do in your first weeks at King’s!