News Article

Statement on KCLCA/KCL Liberate

On Thursday 9 February 2023, KCL Conservative Association (KCLCA) held an event as part of their “Port and Policy” series of debates aiming to discuss the motion “THW [This House Would] Restore the British Empire”.

KCLSU, together with the university, upholds a strong commitment to the values of freedom of expression as outlined in our joint statement. We also recognise that the nature of KCLCA’s event and its phrasing may have impacted parts of our student community. 

We are aware of concerns among our members, who hold us to high standards in being an effective Students’ Union. As such, KCLSU are currently following up a number of lines of internal review, investigation and enquiry and as a member led organisation, we will always seek to involve our members where appropriate.  

As a Students’ Union, KCLSU is an anti-racist organisation with a strong commitment to inclusivity. KCLSU’s mandated campaign on Dismantling King’s Colonial Legacy, seeks to acknowledge King’s colonial history, building a global, critically reflective curriculum, and reflecting on King’s global impact.

We also recognise that meaningful change has to start with our commitment to fighting the inequality and racism we find around us. We follow up any allegation of racism reported to us. If you have received or witnessed any form of racism or racist behaviour by a member of our community (student group member, student group or staff member), we strongly encourage you to report it.

If you need any mental health support during this time or just someone to talk to, you can also use any or all the resources below:

  • Pro-Counselling is a free and confidential counselling service for King’s students. 
  • Togetherall is an anonymous, free, and 24/7 online mental health and wellbeing service you can access with your King’s email.
  • KCLSU Wellbeing Hub is packed with resources, links, advice, and ideas to support you with your wellbeing and mental health all year round.
  • King’s Chaplaincy is a resource for all students and staff at King’s, of all faiths and none. 
  • If you feel your academic experience is suffering due to what is happening, our KCLSU Academic Advice team provides free, confidential, and impartial academic advice to students with issues affecting their studies.

We remain committed to working together with our membership to ensure that we continue to work as an inclusive Students’ Union, that holds the space for robust debate.


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