Vegetable Stew Recipe for Wellbeing Week
Hey guys!
I thought I would share a recipe that I created when I was on holiday with limited options, as at the time I was in a strict diet where I was not allowed to take any carbs, protein or fats. It may sound not so tasty, but trust me, I got through this for over a month and it was fine. The best thing is that it doesn’t take a lot of ingredients or a lot of time to make this stew. You can also get as creative as you want; so, go give it a try!!!
Here is how to make the one and only vegetable stew and the best thing is – all items in bold can be found in our zero-waste shop Nought! If you have any product suggestions for them, hit them up on their Instagram @noughtzerowaste.
Cooking time: 30 mins approx.
- 1/2 Carrot
- 3-4 Cauliflower Florets
- 1/4 Aubergine
- 1/3 Cup Lentils (Preferably Red)
- Salt to taste
- 1/2 Tsp Cumin Powder
- 2-3 Garlic Cloves or garlic powder
- 1/2 Small Onion
- 1/2 Tomato
- 1-2 Cups Water
- Pinch of Turmeric
- 1-3 Green chillies (if you want a bit of heat otherwise forget it)
If you really want a bit of meat or seafood you can add chicken, prawn, fish, beef, etc. but it is just as good and hearty in its vegan form!

How to:
1. Wash the lentils thoroughly and leave it to soak in clean water till it takes you to prepare the remaining of the ingredients.
2. Cut all of your veg into medium edible sizes and give it a thorough wash. If you're back home wash them thrice to get all those chemicals out of your food.
3. Cut your onion and garlic as small as possible so they act as spices and don't end up biting into them.
4. In a pot throw ALL your ingredients together and let it cook over medium fire of your stove. You may close the lid if you want as closing lids tend to retain more water and moisture than no lids as it evaporates the water.
5. Once the lentils are cooked and the vegetables are boiled, removed from the stove and enjoy on its own or some salad.