I know I know, it’s Freshers, you’re getting settled at King’s and your newfound freedom feels amazing. Especially the spare time you have to go out and party every night, dance, drink, and do all the things young people do. But it’s important to know how to stay safe on a night out whether with friends or flying solo. Here are some ways you can do just that while making the most of your night!
1. Hydrate
Drinking too much can lead to dehydration, which can leave you with a horrendous hangover the next day. Always drink plenty of water after a night out to keep you hydrated and level-headed! Trust me, you’ll be thanking me for the advice.

2. Driving
You can guess that I am going to tell you to NOT DRIVE WHILE DRINKING. If you’re planning on drinking, plan to travel home with a friend or if it’s too late, arrange for a taxi or Uber. Also make sure you keep an eye on your friends and encourage them to travel home safely too, even if It means you have to be the designated (sober) driver.
3. Belongings
Take as little of your belongings as possible, and keep your valuables close to you (i.e phone, wallet, ID). Chances are, if you put your phone and keys in your back pocket, you might lose them or have them stolen during the night. Going out is all about having fun, and you don’t want the stress of trying to find your Oyster as you’re about to step on the bus home.
4. Point of Contact
If for any unfortunate reason you end up finding yourself in danger, contact 999 straight away, and keep a friend or family member updated on your whereabouts and the situation so that someone is aware and can take action. When travelling late it’s best to stick with your friends or choose a safe method of transportation (cab or Uber).
5. Charge your phone
Keeping someone updated is key, but sometimes phones die or lose signal. To avoid that, make sure to invest in a portable charger and memorize important contact numbers in case you need help.

6. Location
Make sure you know where you are heading and do a bit of research on the location before you set off. If the place looks dodgy, it probably is, so always bring a friend along. There are so many cool spots to try in London and the night is young, so there’s likely to be a better bar or club just around the corner!
7. “Generous People”
Now I’m not saying there aren’t nice people out there, but just be aware of a “free drink” and a “ride home”. If it seems too good to be true, it probably is so stay alert and pay attention to the person offering you anything. If something goes wrong, back to point 4 :)
Stay safe you all!!!!
Nafiza Mamun
VP for Postgrads