Societies are an integral part of university life, so make sure you join as many as you want! In this quick blog, we’ll go over the different types of societies that exist and how to join them. We'll also touch on volunteering and how you can get involved.
Sport Societies
Sports Clubs are a big part of any university, and this holds true for King’s. With over 70 sports clubs at KCLSU, there is bound to be something for you. There are plenty of team sports, such as football, basketball, or volleyball, as well as individual sports like archery and snooker, and combat/ martial arts societies, such as Jiu-Jitsu or boxing.
These societies often require you to pay a yearly amount to become a member, ranging from around £20 to £50 depending on the sport.

National Societies
Some of the biggest societies are the national societies, such as the French Society, the Spanish Society, the Indian Society, etc. If you’re coming from abroad or have proficiency in another language than English, joining one of these societies can be a great idea! Especially when you come from another country, it can feel very reassuring to make friends who come from the same culture. These societies often organize many events and get-togethers, so they’re a great way to meet new people.
Some of these societies are free and just need you to sign up, while some will charge a small fee to become a member.
Academic and Professional Societies
While there are many societies whose premise is simply to have fun and party, many others can prove useful in your academic and professional path. Many of these societies are based on what you study, and there are many societies based around business, finance, medicine, history, etc.
Some societies can help in other ways. Women in Leadership is also a great one to check up. Whatever your situation or interest might be, it is likely that there is a society that meets it.
How to join a society
The easiest way to discover and join societies is to come to the Welcome Fair that should happen at the end of September. This is a fair where all the societies will have a stand so that you can walk around, talk with the people running the societies, and sign up to those you find interesting. My tip would be to sign up for as many as possible. Go to the first few events, and then decide if it is something you want to pursue. You can also check this link, where you can find a list of all the societies and how to contact them.
Besides student groups, you can also join many different volunteering opportunities and help KCLSU bring about meaningful change, both at the local and national level. Whether it be through connecting you to a charity or directly with a project organized by KCLSU or one of the student societies, KCLSU gives you the possibility of having a real impact. You can even have a platform to create your own volunteering project! Through KCLSU, you can also log your hours spent volunteering and get the recognition you deserve.

With the multitude of different volunteering opportunities that exist here at KCLSU you can be sure that you will find a cause that you think is worth fighting for. To find these, you can scroll through the projects or subscribe to the newsletter.
There are so many societies and volonteering opportunities at King’s that it would be impossible to list them all here. You should simply stay curious and sign up for anything you find interesting. They’re a great way to meet new people and discover new things, so make sure to come to the Welcome Fair!