It’s here. Whether you have been nervously, excitedly (or both!) anticipating Results Day whilst you try to put it out of your mind over this long Summer, for better or worse, the day has finally arrived...
After a long wait, students across the country will soon know where they are headed in the Autumn. Whilst you are still waiting, it would be useful for you to familiarise yourself with the processes of getting your grades and accepting your place at university. Prospects have a useful guide on all things related to preparing yourself for Results Day here.

Hopefully you are reading this because you would like to take up a place at King’s, and if so, we are delighted to welcome all our new students this year! You should be receiving communication from the university centrally on organising your transition to King’s, but you can visit the New Students Page for more information. If you are unsure of anything, you can always get in touch with the university for assistance.
Before you move it’s a good idea to make sure you have your finances in order and think about your budget. Take a look at Save the Student for advice on your Student Finance application, as well as further money advice. King’s have a Money and Housing Advice Team, as well as a group of students Money Mentors, who you can also reach out to for support.
Once you’ve got that out of the way, you can figure out the logistics of your moving. Do you have family or friends who can help you? Do you need a car or a moving service? If you are moving into halls, you should be provided with a move in date and more information on how to set up in your new home. Writing a checklist of what needs to be done before you move is a good way to get organised and plan to do things in small bits rather than all at once. Then you can start to think about how you will decorate!
Welcome Week
You’ve now got the admin side sorted, and it is time to explore what KCLSU and King’s have to offer! You can check back here for more information about our Welcome Period, and our annual Welcome Fair on 19th September at Old Billingsgate. Here you can really get a feel for KCLSU and learn more about our 400+ activity groups and sports clubs, our venues and more! Make sure to pick up a free tote bag at the entrance to fill with all the freebies you will get...

Welcome Week is a great chance to meet lots of people also starting at King’s, and there’s no better way of doing that than attending some of the many events KCLSU is putting on. We host club nights and non-alcoholic socials, so there’s something for everyone to make new friends.Check out our full list of events here, and you can even buy your tickets or a wristband which will get you into lots of events beforehand.
There are lots of Facebook groups for offer holders which are a good way to chat to other incoming King’s students if you’d like. A quick search should bring up groups for 2024-25 applicants, and this can be a good way to find some people to meet up with on your first days at the university. But don’t worry if this seems like an intimidating prospect — you’ll meet lots of people during Welcome regardless, and many of them will be in the same position as you.
The bottom line is, we know how stressful results day can be, but you’ve got this, and we can’t wait to meet you as you discover the world of university!